Smart SEO – Joomla Plugin

Smart SEO – Joomla Plugin
Last update: June 1, 2012, 11:20 am
High Resolution: No
Compatible Browsers: IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Extension Type: Plugin

Smart SEO it’s a Joomla Plugin that gives you the oportunity to improve and have your website content optimized
for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN and so on.

Want to have more traffic on your website? With our Smart SEO Joomla plugin you can in no time!

It doesn’t get any easier! No coding or technical skills necessary.

Here’s a list with the main features of our plugin:

  • Easy to use! install it as plugin on your joomla website
  • SEO settings for each article
  • SEO score for each article
  • Autocheck score for current article
  • Check primary keyword in: Content of the article in H1, H2, H3, fontsize, alt text(for images)
  • Check primary keyword in: Article meta and title – in title tag, meta description, meta keywords,
  • Density of keyword (how many times to repeat itself on text) – Check density of Main keyword? Default 6%

Smart SEO Config

Density of keyword

  • Check density of Main keyword? Check if you want to have active this option.
  • Main keyword density value? Default 6% – This option doesn’t allow you to add a keyword in the article repeatedly (this is mainly for antispam)

Check primary keyword in: Article meta and title

  • Check – Main keyword in title tag?
  • Check – Main keywords in meta description?
  • Check – Main keywords in meta keywords?

Check primary keyword in: Content of the article

  • Main keywords in H1?
  • Main keywords in H2?
  • Main keywords in H3?
  • Main keywords in fontsize?
  • Main keywords in alt text?(this is for images)

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Do you have a blog, facebook account, you like to tweet, dribble, share on pinterest or any hobbies of this kind?
What if I told you you can earn money by just sharing a link ?

All you have to do is to create an Envato account, if you don’t have one, then send traffic to any of our products while adding your account username to the end of the URL.

When a new user clicks your referral link, purchases the item (or deposits money) you will receive 30% of that person’s first cash deposit or purchase price. If they deposit $20 into their account, you get $6.

If they buy a $200 item, you get $60.

We’ve made a list with customized banners & links that you can easily add to your blog or share on facebook, twitter, pinterest and so on.

Amazon eStore Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)


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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>



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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>



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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>


Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)


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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>



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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>



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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>


If you have any requests on banner sizes, please send us an email at .

You can read more here