Timer & Estimated duration for recipe steps.
This new feature allows your subscribers to time exactly how long a recipe step takes. Also has a pause button feature in case you wish to take a break. At the end of the estimated time, you will hear a nice bell sound.

Grocery List
Another cool feature added in this update is the Grocery List. For each recipe you can assign woocommerce products that are present in recipes. That way, If a customer wishes to make a recipe and doesn’t have the ingredients, they can buy it from you! Great marketing strategy!

We’ve added some new shortcodes: Recipe of the Day, Recipe Videos & Chefs!

Front-end – gives the user the ability to:
- filter the listed recipes based on nutritional facts amount (Sodium, Carbs, Proteins etc.) using sliders
- filter the listed recipes based on preparation time, cook time, difficulty, recipe type using dropdown values.
- search recipes by keyword
Back-end – gives the admin the ability to:
- customize the colors of the filter
- activate/deactivate nutritional facts one by one
- activate/deactivate each section in the filters box – basic filtering, nutritional filtering, search recipes box

Version 2.0.0 NEW FEATURES
In the new version we have added the following new features and sections:
1.Most liked recipes widget – in this widget the user can view the most liked x number of recipes. The number of most liked recipes can be modified in admin area.

2. Add-a-recipe module which allows visitors ( if they have an acount ) to add new recipes to your website. The recipes are automatically added as draft, so the admin could moderate and publish them afterwards.

3. Chef dashboard module which allows each registered user to manage(view, edit) their own recipes.

4. Favourite recipes module which allows each registered user to group a list of favourite recipes from all available recipes.

– added an option to disable plugin`s boostrap in case of conflict on websites which already have bootstrap.

Le Chef – Premium Recipe Pluginis our modern & stylish recipes plugin available on Codecanyon that will give you the opportunity to present your users recipes in a way that will definitely help you stand out of the crowd.
This plugin easily allows you to transform your wordpress website into a recipes related website.
You will easily impress your visitors using our recipes plugin, giving the users a new appetizing way of discovering recipes on your website.
With the use of this plugin you can easily enter and format recipes. This plugin is perfect if you wish to showcase your own family recipes, or if you wish to create a recipes only website.
Recipe gallery, ingredients, custom measurements units, steps, difficulty level, cooking time, nutritional facts and ratings are all included in this plugin.
The plugin fits any custom wordpress theme, looks great on all devices and it’s easy to manage and customize.
Features :
- Works with any wordpress theme
- Fully customizable super-fast recipes nutritional filter
- Print Recipe option
- Full screen option
- Custom recipe video
- Social media Sharing – facebook, twitter, pinterest, google+
- Chef Dashboard
- Add recipe to favorites, favorites user list
- Recipes Frontend submission
- Most liked recipes widget
- Fully responsive
- Easily add unlimited number of recipes
- Customizable layout ( font colors, setup how many columns to display )
- Custom recipe widgets
- Add custom measurements units
- Add custom recipe types
- Add and manage recipe details with difficulty level and preparation time
- Add and manage ingredients
- Add and manage nutritional facts
- Add and manage cooking steps
- Add and manage recipe images gallery
- Custom “like” button for each recipe, with display counter
- Custom calories counter
- Related recipes on recipe details
- Compatible with wordpress 3.9+
# Change Log
Added new option: Timer for Recipes
Added new option: Shortcodes
Added new option: Grocery List
New Theme Design
Recipe FIlters
Youtube Videos
Full Screen Option
Social Media Share
Recipe Widget - Most Liked
Add recipe from frontend
Chef Dashboard
Favorite Recipes
Initial Release