Search for Premium Plugins right into Codecanyon Marketplace or just browse through the most Popular plugins from Codecanyon.
We noticed that WordPress lacks the possibility to search for Premium plugins, that is why we developed a plugin that does that.
It allows you to search for premium plugins on Envato Marketplace, on Codecanyon.
You can either search & filter your search by tags, rating, relevance & also setup in which category to search into.
Easier, you can browse through the most popular plugins from Codecanyon, there are 56 premium plugins in the TOP.
For each premium plugin you can see relevant information like its rating, last week sales, its author, price & if you click on the more details button you’ll get some more information!

The Get Now button redirects to you Codecanyon where you can buy the plugin!
You can find the project on GitHub
Demo link :
You can use for testing : username: demo, password: demo
Posted under: Free Stuff